woman saying "ok" with fingers on her right hand - smiling about safe laser therapy

Laser Therapy For Weight Loss

With summer upon us it can be a difficult time of year for those of us who struggle to loose a few extra pounds. This extra weight can make us uncomfortable in our own skin and deter us from participating in fun summer activities such as beach trips and pool days. Luckily, laser treatment for weight loss is possible! We offer two different types of procedures that are both safe and effective in long-term weight loss. Please see below for these weight loss treatments explained.

woman saying "ok" with fingers on her right hand - smiling about safe laser therapy
Weight Loss with Laser Therapy in Stamford CT

FAR-Infrared Body Wraps: These FAR-Infrared body wraps allow you to expel toxins from your body that are causing you to retain unnecessary weight. These special heat wraps rid your body of heavy metals, alcohol, and nicotine. This detoxifying system allows you to b
urn up to 1,400 additional calories per day thereby slimming and toning your entire body. 

Cold Laser Therapy: Cold laser therapy is used on certain body parts to reduce food cravings. While you will feel some heat during this procedure it will not be intense in comparison to other laser therapy treatments. This therapy is non-invasive and safe for weight loss. This technique will require several sessions. 

hands pulling pants closed showing the resutls of weight management and weight loss
Weight Management Stamford CT - Safe Laser Therapy Stamford CT

The number of sessions needed depend on your goals and how your body responds. We will always start with a consultation to discuss the best techniques, strategy, and a general timeline of what to expect. If you have any questions on how laser treatment for weight loss can benefit you and your health goals please feel free to reach out to skilled team of professionals. We are here to help you achieve your goals and feel your best! We always strive to treat our patients as a whole and not simply your basic symptoms. Please discuss with us your overall health goals so that we can help you in the best way possible.

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